The Heart & Soul of JKD!

Bruce Lee once said that to know how, we must know when and why.  This statement is hardly, if ever to my knowledge, quoted by Lee/JKD enthusiasts. Why?  Well, exactly because so many of us don’t actually know when and why. That’s the problem in a nutshell. 

The heart and soul of the issue is that Jeet Kune Do is misunderstood for the very reason that we tend to think in mechanical terms only.  We see the alleged limitations of straight hits and think, irrationally, that we we need more stuff, i.e., technique.  The problem is that when we add more, we miss the whole point of simplicity.  When we add more, we lose the continuity and integration that’s the core of real JKD. This is an obvious conundrum for the JKD community that no one bothers to answer.  It’s the elephant in the living room.  

This course provides the answer.

So, with this said, if you have the basic striking of JKD, the footwork, the parries, and the evasiveness too, you have the tools you need.  What we need next are the tactics to deploy those techniques – the when and why. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what Advanced Jeet Kune Do is all about.  It isn’t about using 100 techniques but 100 ways of using them in combinations that counter, baffle, offset and destroy your enemy’s fight plan. Advanced JKD is the logical and unique mix of timing, distance and technique toward the goal of simultaneously shutting down your enemy’s attack delivering your own.  

The Foundation

In Advanced JKD Volume 1 you’ll learn the foundation of applying JKD without having to add other systems and more technical clutter that leaves you open. You’ll learn how to build on the logical foundation you have and make it alive.  The art of broken rhythm is the key!  Why?  Because it’s exactly that which sets you free from “chasing more and more technique” instead of the truth of integration. You’ll learn how to build your JKD on a sure and sound application theory that’s pure genius – sweet and simple and without contradiction

Broken Rhythm

Bruce Lee once chastised Dan Inosanto’s character in the Game of Death, which is a powerful lesson for us if we dare to watch, that “when you realize your rehearsed routines can’t keep up with broken rhythm, you’ll be in very big trouble!”  Elsewhere Lee also said, “to minimize the risk of being countered, leads should almost always be preceded by feints.”  And he even declared, “…it can be said that JKD is the art of feinting and the movements connected to them.”  

Should I add more?

So, with so much obvious evidence as to what Lee meant with JKD, why do so many miss it?  Well, it’s like we said, we tend to think in mechanical terms only and this leads many instructors to teach too much technique. They think JKD is too limited with its striking, so they add Muay Thai and BJJ and this and that.  But this adds contradictory elements into our JKD.  The answer is in the proper identification, practice and application of the timing, distance and technique mix.  The answer is the study of deception in order to control, counter and attack the enemy.  

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What will I Learn?

Advanced JKD Volume 1 is going to open up this world to you.  Not only that, it’s going to teach you the primary means (yes, technique) of using false-attacks and feints to take your application to another level. Plus, it’s going to show you how to integrate these critical attack principles into your fighting plan. Remember, the word Jeet doesn’t mean to passively wait for an attack to counter.  On the contrary, it means to stalk and hunt your enemy!  Once you learn and master these techniques and principles you’ll understand JKD in a way that no one else does today – and, moreover, you won’t find yourself on the defensive again.  

If you merely have the techniques of JKD but lack this, you have the body but not the mind.  Advanced JKD Volume 1 will fix that.