Learn Chum Kiu The RIGHT way
Learn Wing Chun's second form from an instructor straight from the Ip Man Wing Chun lineage.
Give your Wing Chun structure the mobility and power needed for use in a sudden, violent self defense encounter.
Develop Fight Ready Power
Learn to use your entire structure to generate force and make your Wing Chun powerful.
Develop a strong and mobile fighting structure.
Learn tactics needed to apply your Kung Fu in real world combat.
An Essential Piece of Wing Chun's Puzzle
Gain new skills that will take your Wing Chun to the next level!
Expand on the "Little Idea" found in Sil Lim Tao and other forms.
New concepts for use in both defensive and offensive applications - this course is a must have.
Taught By Sifu Jason Korol
2nd Generation Jeet Kune Do student.
"Senior Instructor" through Efficient Warrior Wing Chun.
Author of several books and articles on Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun.
Featured in Empire Media's "Mastering Wing Chun" series.
Regular Columnist for Wing Chun Illustrated.