The Foundation of the Wing Chun Fighting System

Learn real and effective Wing Chun foundations.

Create the a platform on which the Wing Chun system is built.

Become a mobile and dangerous self defense machine!

Start Your Training The Right Way

Essential for anyone who is serious about learning Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Develop a strong and effective fighting structure.

Build a solid foundation for the rest of the system.

The Most Important Form You'll ever Learn

Learn what the first form of Wing Chun has to teach you about self defense, and combat.

Further expand the knowledge you already have with this practical approach to Wing Chun.

Learn how the concepts taught in Sil Lim Tao translate to real world fighting skill.

Taught By Sifu Jason Korol

2nd Generation Jeet Kune Do student.

"Senior Instructor" through Efficient Warrior Wing Chun.

Author of several books and articles on Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun.

Featured in Empire Media's "Mastering Wing Chun" series.

Regular Columnist for Wing Chun Illustrated.

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