Sifu Jason Korol

Head Instructor and founder of Greenville Academy of Martial Arts, Jason Korol, is your guide through the kicking foundations of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do.

Sifu Jason is a lifelong practitioner of Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun Kung Fu and has written several books on the systems he teaches. He also has a recurring article on Jeet Kune Do in Wing Chun Illustrated and is known for his skill and teaching featured on the Greenville Academy of Martial Arts channel on YouTube.

Tension Is Killing Your

Wing Chun Training

If you have trained Wing Chun for any length of time then you're probably familiar with your sifu telling you to "relax," or "stay loose." Staying loose under pressure is the pinnacle of Wing Chun skill and the ability to do so is the hallmark of a skilled practitioner. Through this course will give you the correct mind set and proper structure to stay relaxed when up against great pressure and force.

Be Like Water

The best path forward is the one of least resistance. This course will teach you to use Wing Chun structure effectively and stop fighting force with force. A necessary step for anyone seeking to master this

efficient fighting system.

The Secret To Application

The proper use of "energy" and force is the key to applying the techniques taught in Wing Chun. Learning how to yield to force instead of getting tense is an important part of this learning process.

The sooner you can do this - the better.

Skill Not Strength

When we run into opposition, our natural instinct is to use speed and strength to break the obstruction and power through to our goal. But what happens when your speed and strength aren't enough? This course will equip you with the skill necessary to finesse your way through opposition. Not muscle through it.

Example Curriculum

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