Sifu Jason Korol
Head Instructor and founder of Greenville Academy of Martial Arts, Jason Korol, is your guide through the kicking foundations of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do.
Sifu Jason is a lifelong practitioner of Jeet Kune Do and Wing Chun Kung Fu and has written several books on the systems he teaches. He also has a recurring article on Jeet Kune Do in Wing Chun Illustrated and is known for his skill and teaching featured on the Greenville Academy of Martial Arts channel on YouTube.
The "Genius" of Wing Chun
Chi Sao is a famous drill in Wing Chun Kung Fu and is practiced by every lineage. While each 'family' of Wing Chun has its own way of training it - the foundations of this drill is usually the same. The genius of this incredible drill is that it provides a training platform that combines the structure and technique of the forms, with the responsiveness and unpredictability of combat.
Chi Sao is the bridge between forms and fighting.
Start From The Ground Up
Sifu Jason will teach you how to do Chi Sao step-by-step. This course covers everything from the basic hand positions to essential beginner training drills. Perfect for the new practitioner or the veteran who wants to refresh the fundamentals.
Eliminate Bad Habits
As great a drill as Chi Sao is it can still be practiced improperly (and often is). Bad Chi Sao can end up taking the "genius" of Wing Chun and turning it into the cancer of Wing Chun. Let us show you how to do it right the first time and eliminate poor training habits at the source.
The Principles and the Practice
This course will give you the proper structures and mentality of good Chi Sao, as well as the most important foundational training drills to help you put the principles into practice. Train consistently and effectively to guard yourself and your loved ones against real world violence.